Wednesday 21 March 2012


Monday 12 March 2012




UJCEF—University of Jos Corruption Eradication Foundation is a long over-due organization that has evolved from a restless, resilient and purpose minded set of young men and women(UJ students), who have risen up to the challenges, taken it upon themselves to reach out to the university Jos community and Nigeria at large. It is a body of passionate individual, that have viewed, examined and analyzed our decaying society(—ill and minute perceptions of the youths, and the most scary of all —their irritating ignorance towards the growth and development of our nation.), which we believe with strong conviction can be changed, totally turn around, if the youth can harness their potentials, change their perspectives and understand that there are no limitations to the mind, except those we acknowledge . With God over all, undeterred spirit, and a pragmatic approach, we are hopeful that we would not just dream our dreams, but touch them —Nigeria would change for better, because we are blessed People. For we hinge our faith on the fact that; whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe,It can achieve…Determined to make a difference.


The UJCEF vision for the field is of a growing and responsible philanthropic sector that advances the common good. The sector sees itself as part of a broad philanthropic community that will contribute to the vision of our beloved country in the aspects of transformation, fighting against corruption, poverty eradication and empowerment of our fellow Nigerians. The partnership of UJCEF to other foundations, bodies or organisations of a common aim and objectives (e.g. UNICEF, WHO, NAPEP, EFCC, ICPC, NDLEA, NACA,NHIS, WORLD BANK, F.G, NDDC, UN, intercommunication companies etc) provides the opportunity, leadership and tools needed by philanthropic organisations like UJCEF on expanding, enhancing and sustaining our ability to advance the common good. Now to carry out this vision, we will be a membership of effective and diverse leadership that helps the field to be larger, more effective, responsible and cooperative. By common good, we mean the sum total of conditions that enable community members to thrive. This vision has a sheared nature that goes beyond individual benefits. By philanthropic organization, UJCEF is a vehicle that brings people together to enhance the effectiveness, impact, leverage of our philanthropy. This includes a collaboration with private and community foundations, cooperate foundations, giving programmes, operating foundations and public foundation as well as emerging giving and grant making mechanism involving collective participation. STATEMENT OF INCLUSIVENESS UJCEF is coming to promote responsible and effective philanthropy. The vision requires a commitment to inclusiveness as a fundamental operating principle and calls for an active and ongoing process that affirms human diversity in its many forms encompassing but not limited to ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, economic circumstances, disability and philosophy. We seek inclusiveness in order to ensure that a range of opinion, perspectives and experiences are recognized and acted upon in achieving the UJCEF vision,UJCEF also seek members or partners to make similar commitment to inclusiveness in order to better enhance our ability to contribute to the common good of our changing society. Today, more than 64000 U.S private philanthropic foundations play a constructive role in promoting social, cultural, economical and environmental innovation and in building and sustaining valuable institutions and organisations that benefit society at home and abroad.UJCEF in partnership with its boards have a pivotal role in the fiscal and program success of the foundation goals. At the same time helping to shape public issues, enliven and inform public debate and convene community leaders on matters of public concern. These lofty UJCEF responsibilities however have only been loosely defined. For example the UJCEF executives are often expected to creatively expand ways to leverage the foundation resources with non-profit sector know-how be strategic in their funding choices, demonstrate deep understanding of the foundation programmatic areas, evaluate the impact of their funding and make very effective decisions about priorities, investment strategies, program architecture and sector alignment. Yet these expectations with all their contradictions and high aims are more akin to an anthology of hope than to a definition of role. They do not make up a coherent and realistic position profile.

Monday 5 March 2012


ARRANGEMENT OF CODES AND SECTIONS CODE 1. SECTION 1: SUPREMACY OF THE CONTITUTION. SECTION 2: THE NAME OF THE FOUNDATION. SECTION 3: THE SYMBOL OF THE FOUNDATION. SECTION 4: AIMS AND OBJECTIVES. SECTION 5: MEMBERSHIP. SECTION 6: THE GOVERNMENTAL STRUCURE OF THE FOUNDATION. SECTION 7: THE PROVISIONAL RULING COUNCIL. SECTION 8: POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICE. SECTION 9: DISCHARGE OF THE CHIEF SUPRETENDANTS FUNCTION DURING VACANCY. SECTION 10: ASS CHIEF SUPRETENDANT. SECTION 11: SUPRETENDANT 1. SECTION 12: ASS SUPRETENDANT 1. SECTION 13: SUPRETENDANT 2. SECTION 14: SUPRETENDANT 3. SECTION 15: SUPRETENDANT 4. SECTION 16: SUPRETENDANT 5. SECTION 17: SUPRETENDAN 6. CODE II SECTION 18: MODE OF APPOINTMENT. SECTION 19: REMOVAL OF THE OFFICERS OF THE FOUNDATION. SECTION 20: RESIGNATION OF FOUNDATION OFFICERS. SECTION 21: FINANCE. SECTION 22: LIABILITIES OF THE FOUNDATION. SECTION 23: DISBURSMENT OF FOUNDATION FUNDS. SECTION 24: COMMITEE. SECTION 25: DISCIPLINE. CODEIII. SECTION 26: TENURE OF OFFICE. SECTION 27: OATH OF OFFICE. SECTION 28: IMPEACHMENT. SECTION 29: AMENDMENT. SECTION 30: INTERPRETATION. SECTION 31: NOTICE OF MEETING. SECTION 32: CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENSES AND PUNISHMENTS. CODE 1. FIRST SCHEDULE. PREAMBLE: We the members of university of Jos corruption eradication foundation (UJCEF), having come under one umbrella union and also conscious of our rights, duties and limitations while recognizing the statutory supremacy powers vested in the vice chancellor, the senate and the council of the university of Jos Acts laws of the federation 1976 do hereby enact and give ourselves this constitution. Section 1; SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION. (1) This constitution is supreme and shall have binding force on all members of the Foundation but subject to the rules and regulation of the foundation, pursuant to the proper management of the foundation. If any law, directive or action of any constituent unit of the foundation is inconsistent with the provision of this constitution, thereof this constitution shall prevail and such order, law, directive or action or to the extent of the inconsistency be null and void. Section 2; THE NAME OF THE FOUNDATION. The foundation shall be known and addressed as UNIVERSITY OF JOS CORRUPTION ERADICATION FOUNDATION herein after Referred as the Foundation. Section 3; THE SYMBOL OF THE FOUNDATION. The symbol (logo) of the foundation shall be An eagle in a human eye. The motto of the foundation shall read DETERMINED TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. (c) The slogan of the foundation shall read BUILDING AN ACCOUNTABLE TOMORROW TODAY. (d) The vision statement shall read RAISING A BRAND OF YOUTH WITH INTEGRITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY CONSCIOSNESS. Section 4; AIMS AND OBJECTIVES. (1) A strong advocacy for justice, truth and fairness. Standing against corruption of all sorts. (2) To promote responsible and effective philanthropy. (3) Raising a brand of youth with accountability consciousness committed to Zero tolerance on leadership vices. (4) Change the mindsets and frame of the youth, so they will be leaders of high morals and integrity. (5) Preach one Nigeria, one nation and one people, thereby eradicating all forms of segregations, tribalism and promote patriotism. (6) To promote unity, harmony among students and the university community in General. (7) To contribute to public enlightenment particularly in areas of academic Interest. (8) To work in concert with the national association of Nigerian students . (9) Educating students on the effects of drug abuse, cultism, prostitution and examination malpractice, suggesting a way out and giving room for emancipation. (10) Anchoring sexual abuse, thereby advising and promoting the self esteem of the individual in conjunction with related organisations. (11) Build an accountable tomorrow today. Section 5; MEMBERSHIP. Membership of the foundation shall consist of all matriculated students, of qualified character, whom shall pick a form at an affordable amount during the foundations recruitment periods and will go through some series of aptitude tests the names will be short listed on the foundations notice board subject to the approval of the provisional ruling council. Section 6; THE GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURE OF THE FOUNDATION. The governmental structure shall consist of; (i) The Patrons/Matrons. (ii) The Legal Advisers. (iii) The Advisory Board. (iv) The Provisional Ruling Council. (v) The Middle Class. (1) PATRONS/MATRONS. (i) The foundation shall appoint patrons who are worthy. (ii) Such person to be appointed as patrons/matrons must be known to have identified himself or herself with the words and spirit of the preamble of this constitution. (iii) For the purpose of Section 6 (1) of this constitution. (a) A member of the Provisional Ruling Council may by a motion propose any person as patron/matron. (b) Person may be deemed to have been appointed patron by a vote of not less than two third (2/3) of total members of the Provisional Ruling Council present and voting, provided they form a quorum. (iv) A person appointed as patron/matron under the provision of this constitution shall hold such office for a period of time. (v) The appointment of a patron/matron shall stand terminated; (a) At the end of his tenure of office or (b) If he dies while holding such office or (c) At the date when his resignation as a patron takes effect or (d) If he is removed from office by a resolution of the Provisional Ruling Council supported by at least two third (2/3) majority of the members present, provided they form a quorum. (vi) The grand patron of the foundation shall be the vice chancellor of the university of jos, whose tenure of office is permanent and shall revolve with the succession of his throne. (2) LEGAL ADVISERS. (i) There shall be legal advisers to the foundation. (ii) They are entitled to practice as barristers and solicitors in a court of justice in Nigeria. (iii) They shall give legal advise as maybe required by the organs of the Foundation. (iv) They shall be appointed within the country and must have not less than five (5) years post call experience as a barrister and solicitor in a court of justice in Nigeria. (3) THE PROVISIONAL RULING COUNCIL. The executive powers of the foundation shall be vested in the provisional ruling council subject to the provision of this constitution. Such powers conferred on the executives may be performed by them either directly or indirectly by their subordinates. The executive powers of the foundation shall include the execution and maintenance of this constitution. The provisional ruling council shall be subject to the directives of the board of advisers, seek concession or grants from the university or outside it as may be necessary for carrying out the objectives of the foundation. It shall prepare and present to the board of advisers a comprehensive annual budget and if need arises, a supplementary budget for consideration and approval. It shall have power to raise funds for and on behalf of the foundation. (4) THE BOARD OF ADVISERS. This is going to constitute of the following; (i) The Dean of Student Affairs. (ii) The Director of Advancement/Alumni. (iii) The Chief Security Officer. (iv) The Chair Person PWS. (v) The Chief Commander Man 'O' War. (5) THE MIDDLE CLASS. (i) The general assembly of all members shall hereby be called THE MIDDLE CLASS. . (ii) The middle class shall take decisions on matters whereby there views are deem necessary. . (iii) The secretary general of the foundation shall summon meetings of the foundation for the purposes of sub-section (2) above. Section 7; COMPOSITION OF THE PROVISIONAL RULING COUNCIL. The Provisional Ruling council shall consist of : i. The Coordinator; Chief Supretendant. whom shall be in charge of the philanthropy/outreach unit. ii. The Ass Coordinator; Ass Chief Supretendant. whom shall be in charge of the corruption/counselling unit. iii.The secretary general; Supretendant 1. iv. The assistant secretary general; Ass Supretendant 1. v. The financial secretary; Supretendant 2. vi. The treasurer; Supretendant 3. vii.The external relations manager; Supretendant 4. whom shall be in charge of the public awareness campaign/information and communication unit. viii. The enterprise/income generation officer; Supretendant 5 whom shall be in charge of the enterprise/income generation unit. ix. Partnership/sponsorship manager; Supretendant 6 whom shall be in charge of the partnership/sponsorship unit. Section 8; POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS. The coordinator(chief supretendant) shall: Be the head of the foundation and preside over the provisional ruling council meeting. Be the chief executive officer of the foundation. Co-ordinate the activities of the provisional ruling council. Have power to convey executive meetings through the secretary general. In consultation with the financial secretary and treasurer, ensures that all funds (monies) meant for the foundation are promptly paid into the foundation account within the time stipulated by the constitution. Be accountable for the foundation’s funds. Be a mandatory signatory to the bank account of the foundation. Be one of the official representatives of the foundation’s interest with the university authority and he shall protect the image of the foundation in accordance with the provision of this constitution. Present and defend the foundation’s budget to the provisional ruling council. Have the right to address the provisional ruling council at will times when the need arises. Be accountable and answerable to the board of advisers and patrons/matrons if the need arises. Discharge all such duties which are reasonably incidental to his office. Be the head of the philanthropy/charity unit. Section 9; DISCHARGES OF THE COORDINATORS (CHIEF SUPRETENDANT) FUNCTION DURING VACANCY. During any period for which (a) the office of the coordinator is vacant or (b) the foundation coordinator is vacant or is unable to perform the function of his office by reason of illness or (c) death or removal in accordance with the provision of this constitution; the functions of that office shall, subject to the provision of this section shall be performed by the foundation’s ass chief supretendant. Where subsection 1(c) of this section fails, the function of the office of the coordinator shall be performed by the supretendant 1. Should subsection (2) of this section also fail, the function of the president may be performed by such person as whom the board of advisers and patrons/matrons may appoint. Section10; ASS COORDINATOR(ASS CHIEF SUPRETENDANT). Deputize and act for the coordinator in accordance with the provision of section 8 (1)-(4) of this constitution. Be incharge of the corruption/counselling unit. Co-ordinate and review the activities of members. In pursuance to subsection (2) of this section, call for aid review of any activity of any registered member. Perform any other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the provisional ruling council. In the discharge of his or her duties, act on the advice of the provisional ruling council. Be accountable and answerable to the board of advisers and patrons/matrons as the need arises. Section 11; SECRETARY GENERAL(SUPRETENDANT 1). Conduct and deal with all official correspondence of the foundation and shall take minutes of meeting of the provisional ruling council. Compile a comprehensive annual report of the foundation activities for the academic year and present same to the provisional ruling councilprior to the expiration of tenure of office. With the directive of the coordinator or upon a written request endorsed by at least two third (2/3) of the provisional rulers, summon emergency provisional ruling council meeting. Give full co-operation to the chief supretendant towards the effective discharge of the executive duties of the foundation. Discharge other duties as maybe assigned to him or her by the foundation. Be accountable and answerable to the provisional ruling council as the need arises. Section12; ASS SECRETARY GENERAL (ASSSUPRETENDANT 1). Assist the secretary general in the discharge of his or her official duties. Act as secretary general when the secretary is absent. Do all such other things as may be assigned to his office by the provisional ruling council. Be accountable and answerable to the provisional ruling council as the need arises. Section 13; FINANCIAL SECRETARY(SUPRETENDANT 2). Shall be the chief accounting officer of the foundation. Be responsible for preparing the financial record of the provisional ruling council. Make available to the provisional ruling council all copies of the annual budget and financial estimate of each department or office of the provisional ruling council for approval. Collect all funds due to the foundation and deposit same with the treasurer within 48hours of receipt to which an official receipt for such deposit shall be issued to the treasurer in accordance with the provision of this constitution. Keep and maintain a financial record of all financial transaction collected on behalf of the foundation. Raise vouchers to be approved and disbursed. Give financial advise to the provisional ruling council and in the discharge of his official duties be guided by financial instructions. Be in custody of all foundation receipts and ticket to be disbursed only upon the approval of the provisional ruling council. Be one of the mandatory signatory to the foundation’s bank account and financial dealings. Perform any other duties that may be incidental to the office or as maybe assigned to him or her by the foundation. Be answerable and accountable to the provisional ruling council as the need arises. Section 14; THE TREASURER(SUPRETENDANT 3). (a) Receive from the financial secretary all funds (monies) and deposit same in the foundations bank account. (b) All receipts from the financial secretary or any other source of due to the foundation shall be acknowledged by issuance of an original receipt. Disburse funds within the limits of approved budget to different offices and departments of the foundation within such funds having already been approved by the provisional ruling council. Perform any other duties as may be assigned him or her by the provisional ruling council. Be accountable and answerable to the provisional ruling council. Be a mandatory signatory to the foundation’s bank account. Section15; THE EXTERNAL RELATIONS OFFICER (SUPRETENDANT 4). The external relations officer of the foundation shall: Be the chief image maker of the foundation. (a) In consultation with the provisionl ruling council appoint an editor in chief who shall be the chairman of the foundation editorial board and in turn shall appoint other members of the editorial committee. (b) With the approval of the provisional ruling council, make press release of the activities of the foundation. (c) Be responsible for the production of the foundation’s Almanac, diary, success and greeting cards, writing pads and envelop. Be the foundation’s librarian. Perform any other duties assigned to him or her by the foundation. Discharge his or her duties with the advise of the provisional ruling council. Be accountable and answerable to the provisional ruling council if the need arises. Section16; THE ENTERPRICE/INCOME GENERATION DIRECTOR (SUPRETENDANT 5). (1) This officer and his/her unit(enterprise/income generation unit) shall be responsible of making effective decisions about investment strategies of the foundation. (2) Shall be responsible of the production and sales of all foundations articles at such price and rates approved by the provisional ruling council and such sales be acknowledged by the issuance of the foundations official receipt. (3) Render all account of sales to the financial secretary within 48 hours thereof. (4) Collect all dues accruable to the foundation from its commercial outlet and butteries and deposit same with the financial secretary within 48 hours of such receipt. (5) Shall in consultation with the provisional ruling council recommend prices for all commercial outlets and transaction with the campuses for consideration and approval. (6) Perform any other duties that may be assigned to him/her by the foundation and in discharging this duties must take advice from the provisional ruling council. (7) Be answerable and accountable to the provisional ruling council if the need arises. Section 17; PARTNERSHIP/SPONSORSHIP MANAGER. This officer and his/her unit shall; (1) Be responsible for all contacts and information of all proposed partners and UJCEF sponsors. (2) Provide or emphasize aspects of partnership and sponsorship, thereby keeping relationships between UJCEF and partners/sponsors intact. (3) In consultation with the provisional ruling council take steps to acquire for partnership/sponsorship. (4) Perform any other duty as may be assigned to him/her by the foundation and in discharging this duties must take advice from the provisional ruling council. (5) Be answerable and accountable to the provisional ruling council if the need arises. CODE II. Section18; MODE OF APPOINTMENT OR FORMATION OF COUNCIL. The formation of council shall be via appointment, whereby list of candidates to be considered will be given by the provisional ruling council. After which the compiled list will be deliberated upon by the provisional ruling council and candidates examined thereafter, subject to the approval of the board of advisers take over from outgoing officers. Section 19; REMOVAL OF OFFICERS FROM THE FOUNDATION. Any officer of the foundation shall cease to hold office if a motion for his removal is supported by two third (2/3) majority of members of the provisional ruling council and voting at a meeting, provided a quorum is formed. Complaints against any member of the foundation warranting his impeachment shall be presented to the provisional ruling council in writing. Such complaints shall be committed to be deliberated upon on the floor of the provisional ruling council after which the removal shall be based on the motion for removal supported by two third (2/3) majority of the provisional ruling council, subject to the approval of the board of advisers. No removal shall be binding without the consent of two third (2/3) members of the parliament present and voting. Section 20; RESIGNATION OF FOUNDATION OFFICER. Any appointed officer of the foundation may resign his/her office, post, seat or other appointment in writing to the competent authority in accordance with the provision of this constitution. The officer resigning if he holds any executive post shall at least within 2weeks before resignation takes effect, submit a comprehensive report of his official activities to the date of his resignation. Any officer resigning under the provision of this section shall tender his resignation letter to the chief supretendant. No resignation shall take effect unless and until the competent authority specified in this section has accepted it, and unless and until this is done, the resigning officer shall loyally discharge the duties of the office he intends to vacate. The competent authority may before accepting the resignation refer the case to the provisional ruling council for investigation, if it is satisfied that the resignation is frivolous or is an attempt to escape liability for a wrongful act or conduct against the interest of the entire members and for which the officer should have otherwise been ignominiously dismissed. Section 21; FINANCE. REVENUE. The foundation may derive its revenue from; (i)Registrations. (ii)Dues. (iii) Rents. (iv) Sales. (v) Donations. (vi) Grants. (vii) seminars and visitations etc. (viii) Fund raising activities and any other legal revenue when and where Necessary. Officers of the foundation shall collect and forward to the financial secretary and proceeds realized from their offices within 48 hour, membership forms shall be N1000 and membership dues shall be N500.00, subject to review from time to time by the provisional ruling council. All expenditures of the foundation shall where possible be supported by receipts and record books of financial transaction which shall bear the following: (i)Data and number of payment (ii)Voucher purpose and amount collected (iii)Receipt name and signature (3) The following shall be signatories to the payment voucher of the foundation (i) The president of the foundation (ii) The financial secretary (iii) The treasurer of the foundation (iv) Dean of student affairs (v) One of the patrons/matrons (4)All revenues or other monies raised or received for the foundation shall be paid into and form one consolidation revenue fund for the foundation. (5)No money shall be withdrawn from any public fund of the consolidation revenue fund of the foundation unless the issue of the money has been authorized by an act of the provisional ruling council. Section 22; LIABILITIES OF THE FOUNDATION. The foundation shall collect all profits accruing from activities and utilities of the foundation or any other money accruing to the foundation from any other source. (2) The foundation shall be responsible for the furnishing and maintenance of the foundation’s building, grounds and vehicles. The foundation shall be liable for all salaries of approved foundation employees. It shall bear the expenses in respect of utilities provided by the foundation. (5) Shall be responsible for all grants in aid made to individuals, clubs, societies and organisations as approved by the provisional ruling council. The provisional ruling council shall disburse certain amount as approved. Section 23; DISBURSMENT OF FOUNDATION FUNDS. (1) Disbursement of foundation funds shall only be authorized at any time in accordance with the provision of this constitution. (2) Issue; (a) Subject to approved budget by provisional ruling council, request for grants from the foundation’s annual funds shall be made on application fat funds form, shall be in a booklet form and in duplicate obtainable from the financial unit. (b) Such grants when made shall be accounted for and presented officially to the provisional ruling council with official receipts within one week. (3) RECIEPT. Receipt book of the foundation shall be in booklet form and in duplicate. The foundation shall in all transactions receive official receipt(s) and issue receipts from the booklet leaving the duplicate retained. (4) BUDGET. (a) The annual budget of the foundation shall after acceptance and approval in accordance with the provision of this constitution be submitted to the dean of student affairs for his information(board of advisers). (b) Once approved, no amendments shall be made in the allocation of the foundation funds save by the recommendation of the provisional ruling council. (5) RESERVE FUNDS. (a) The foundation shall have a reserve fund. At least some percent of the foundation’s income for each academic year must go into the reserve fund (b) If and when the reserve amounts to over N50,000.00 it shall be invested in any profitable venture as may be directed by the provisional ruling council. (6) BANKERS. (a) The foundation shall maintain a bank account but the board of advisers and patron/matron shall have supervisory power over the account. (b) The foundation’s account shall be audited at least once in each academic year. The auditing shall be done by the board of advisers from among its members and shall be headed by the dean. (c) The report shall be submitted and documented as a refrence document. Section 24; COMMITTEE. The provisional ruling council shall decide to form committee(s) when the need arises e.g transport committee, food committee, etc. Section 25; DISCIPLINE. Discipline shall be strictly enforced within the foundation and any member who commits an offence shall be liable to punishment as provided in this constitution. Offences shall include: Acting in a manner likely to bring the name of the foundation to a ridicule, disrepute and/or contempt. In addition to carrying out fraudulent or dishonest practice which tend to embarrass or disgrace the foundation. Giving out the official information of the foundation without the foundation’s approval. Libellous publication and subverting activities. Absence from 3 consecutive meetings of the provisional ruling council without a written permission to the presiding officer. The form of punishment shall depend on the seriousness or magnitude of a particular case and such punishment shall include: suspension, removal from office, debarring from holding office, fine, refund and/or caution. Appeals from the decision in this constitution shall lie with the UJCEF board of advisers whose decision shall be final. The foundation shall keep a black book which shall be in custody of the chief supretendant of the foundation. The black book shall contain the name of any member of the union found guilty of gross misconduct or indiscipline as contained in this constitution. The said book shall be open to any member of the foundation wishing to see it and made reference to in cases of sanctions or decision making. CODE III. FIRST PROTOCOL. GENERAL PROVISION. Section 26; TENURE OF OFFICE. The provisional ruling council shall stand dissolved; The academic year for which the appointment/promotion of new officers will take place in accordance with the provision of the constitution. A resolution of board of advisers for the dissolution of the executive council shall be based on expiration of tenure. Without prejudice to the provision of this constitution any officer of the foundation shall stand removed from office if a motion for his removal is passed by two third (2/3) majority of the total membership of the provisional ruling council subject to the approval of the board of advisers based on the gravity of the offence. Resignation from the provisional ruling council shall be submitted to the chief supretendant of the foundation in writing. In case of the coordinator resigning, he shall submit the resignation letter to the provisional ruling council subject to the approval of the board of advisers. In event of resignation, removal from offices or death of the chief suretendant, the concil shall decode subject to approval by the board of advisers. At the end of the central executive council’s life span, at least two days to the swearing in of new executives, each member of the provisional ruling council shall submit a handover note to the new officers. Section 27; OATH OF OFFICE. Before assuming office, each member of the provisional ruling council,shall take an oath of office to be conducted by the legal adviser. Before assuming office, each member of the UJCEF shall take an oath of office before the board of advisers and other members of the foundation in a ceremony. The words of the oath of office of the provisional ruling council shall be I……………………. do solemnly swear that I shall be faithful and bear true allegiance to the university of jos corruption eradication foundation, that as ……………………… of the foundation I will discharge my duties to the best of my ability, faithfully and in accordance with the constitution of the foundation and the rules and regulation of the university and always in the interest of integrity, solidarity, well-being and prosperity of the foundation that I will strive to preserve the interest of the aims and objective contained in the constitution of the foundation, that I will not allow my personal interest to interfere with my official conduct or my official decision: I will in all circumstances do right to all the members of the foundation, according to law, without fear or favour, affection or ill will, not directly or indirectly communicate or reveal to any person any matter which shall be brought under my consideration or shall become known to me as ………………… of the foundation, except as may be required for the due discharge of my duties as ………………… of the foundation and I will devote myself to the service and well being of all members of the foundation. SO HELP ME GOD. The word for the oath of office for the middle class members shall be solemnly swear that I will uphold the constitution of the university of jos corruption eradication foundation (UJCEF),stand by the aims and objectives and will to the best of my ability execute my duties as a middle class supretendant without fear or favour affection or ill will. SO HELP ME GOD. Section 28; IMPEACHMENT. Any member of the provisional ruling council shall be impeached in accordance with the provision of this constitution (a) No impeachment is valid if it is not in accordance with the provision of this constitution. Any member of the foundation shall be competent to move a motion for the impeachment, such a motion must have evidence beyond reasonable doubt. Section 29; AMENDMENT. This constitution or a part thereof shall become operative upon its approval by the dean of student afairs of the university of Jos. Amendment to this constitution shall be made only by a resolution passed at the meeting of the provisional ruling council by a two third (2/3) majority of the total membership of the council. A motion seeking to amend this constitution shall be submitted in writing to the provisional ruling council at least 14 days to the days of the meeting at which such motions must be tabled. Notice thereof shall be given to the secretary of the council in the manner prescribed in section 29 of this constitution. Section 30; INTERPRETTION. In this constitution unless it is otherwise expressly stated or required by context An officer of the foundation means any student serving the foundation as a result of an appointment in one official capacity or the other. An act of the provisional ruling council refers to all decisions and directives of the provisional ruling council. He/his refers to both sexes. Functions include powers and duties and are used interchangeably. Office for the purpose of this constitution refers to a portfolio. Provisional ruling council means board or the constitutionally recognized decision makers of the foundation. Board of advisers means the body or group that guide the provisional ruling council and direct the foundation. Section 31; NOTICE OF MEETING. Notice of meeting of the middle class members and motions, resolution or other matters required to be served on or given to members of the middle class shall be served by patting the same on the foundation’s notice board of the campuses. It may be served by letters in case of the provisional council meetings and by release(s) in case of the middle class meeting, it may also be communicated through text messages to all executive or middle class members. Section 32; CLASSIFICATION OF OFFENCES AND PUNISHMENTS. VANDALISATION OF FOUNDATION’S PROPERTY. All cases of vandalisation once established should be reported to the relevant departments/units of the foundation affected and those responsible for handling such matters should be directed to act expeditiously. PUNISHMENT. (i) If found guilty, the member shall be dealt with in accordance to sec 23(4) of this constitution. (ii) If however the member is not guilty, the results shall be released and the member allowed to start afresh from where the purported offence was committed. IMPERSONATION. This include the hiring and arranging with touts, contractors etc, where members of the foundation or outsiders to impersonate for the members who hired or contracted them. PUNISHMENT. The member who hires or contracts somebody to impersonate shall be expelled from the foundation. If the impersonator is a member of the foundation, he shall be expelled from the foundation. While the impersonator, if not a member of the foundation, shall be handed over to the police for persecution. BRINGING FOREIGN UNAUTHORIZED MATERIALS OR ELECTRONIC GAGETS INTO THE FOUNDATIONS HALL. This include smuggling of items into the different parts of the body such as video camera, transmission radio, voice recorder, etc, without permission. PUNISHMENT. The member who commits the above shall be expelled from the foundation.